Bridge Package 31

SCDOT proposes to replace four closed bridges in Greenville and Spartanburg Counties. One bridge is located within Jones Gap State Park. This project will include constructing new bridges and associated road or trail work with an accelerated schedule.

Bridge links below display the location in Google Maps.

 Greenville County


Spartanburg County


Attachment B - Supplemental Project Design Criteria



  1. Toe-Ditch-Detail (Posted 12/2/24)
  2. SWPPP-Checklist (Posted 12/2/24)

Project Information Package


  1. BP 31_Hydro Models (Posted 12/2/24)
  2. Draft Gabion Standard (Posted 12/2/24)
  3. P038771_(HOLT)HYDROFiles (Posted 12/2/24)


  1. SI&A_BP31.pdf (Posted 12/2/24)
  2. S-147 Structures Layout Sketch (Posted 12/6/24)


Technical Proposal Distribution/Evaluation Meeting

A Bridge Package 31 Design-Build Project Technical Proposal Distribution/Evaluation Meeting will be held December 19, 2024 at 8:05 AM via Microsoft Teams.

The following is the Team's login information:

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Meeting ID: 218 932 405 278

Passcode: zX9tq9i8

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+1 803-529-1369,,621061259# United States, Columbia Phone conference ID: 621 061 259#

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 Please include the attached agenda with this notification

Bridge Package 31 Distribution Meeting Agenda