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Procedures and Guidelines For Work Zone Traffic Control Design
This manual specifies procedures and guidelines for development, design, implementation and/or maintenance of work zone traffic control installations and operations performed by an individual, firm, corporation or combination thereof undertaking the execution of the work in accordance with the terms of a contract with the South Carolina Department of Transportation or any entity contracting work within the rights-of-way of the South Carolina state highway system.
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Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility
In September 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published updates to the work zone regulations at 23 CFR 630 Subpart J. The updated rule is referred to as the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (The Rule) and applies to all state and local governments that receive Federal-aid highway funding. Transportation agencies are required to comply with the provisions of The Rule by October 12, 2007.
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Work Zone Safety Guidelines
This handbook is a instructional guide to illustrate basic guidelines for work zone traffic control installation and maintenance. This handbook complies with the basic requirements of Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) specifications with particular emphasis on short-term work sites on roads and streets in rural and small urban areas. This handbook is not intended for traffic control applications on interstate routes. A bound, laminated copy of this document can be purchased from the Transportation Technology Transfer Service (T3S). For more information on purchasing printed copies, please visit the SC LTAP Center or email t3s@ces.clemson.edu.
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SCDOT Supplement to the MUTCD
In accordance with the provisions of Section 56-5-920 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is authorized to adopt a manual of standards and specifications for a uniform system of traffic control devices for use upon highways and streets in this state. On May 1, 2011, SCDOT adopted the federal Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for this purpose.
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Work Zone Traffic Control Training Guidelines for Contractors
The South Carolina Department of Transportation will require work zone traffic control training for employees of those entities under contract to the SCDOT whose job duties include responsibilities relative to implementation and maintenance of a Transportation Management Plan on all projects let to contract after September 1, 2013.
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Hourly Restrictions for Lane Closures
These two documents provide information regarding hourly restrictions for lane closures. One lists hourly lane restrictions on interstate routes and the other lists hourly lane restrictions on primary and secondary routes. Hourly lane restrictions on primary and secondary routes are in order by SCDOT engineering district, county, then route.
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