Environmental Services Tool Shed

The SCDOT Environmental Services Tool Shed is our repository for documents, forms, templates, references, and guidelines about transportation and the environment and federal, state and agency environmental requirements. Practitioners can use these tools to assist local governments, consultants, and SCDOT staff in integrating environmental considerations into the environmental process to achieve regulatory compliance for SCDOT projects. We welcome feedback to improve our Tool Shed.

Last Updated -

Air Quality

National Ambient Air Quality Standards for criteria pollutants under the CAA.
SC State Implementation Plan
SCDHEC South Carolina's Nonattainment Areas
Information on SC's nonattainment area in Rock Hill and that portion of York County.
Transportation Conformity Report for RFATS (Rock Hill - Fort Mill Area Transportation Study) Nonattainment Area
Most current Transportation Conformity Report (TCR) for the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan for RFATS. The RFATS TCP is at the very bottom of the webpage.

Biological Resources

Biological Resources

Forms & Templates

Required language for all environmental documents for SCDOT projects requiring a seasonal moratorium for sturgeon.
Northern Long-Eared Bat (NLEB) Streamlined 4(d) rule consultation form- 2016
A fillable template for the streamlined 4(d) consultation process. Form should be completed (minus questions regarding hibernaculum and maternity roost trees) and sent to the NLEB Coordinator at SCDOT. The NLEB Coordinator will assess the project for proximity to hibernaculum and maternity roost trees then submit to FWS for consultation.

Guidance & Resources

Counties to Survey for Heelsplitter and Northern Long Eared Bat
Map showing areas that require specialized surveys for Carolina Heelsplitter and Northern Long Eared Bat.
IPaC - Information, Planning and Conservation System
(https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/) NOTE: Seems that due to funding this site is unavailable.
Online conservation planning tool offered jointly by USFWS and USGS that provides lists of threatened and endangered species, designated critical habitat, proposed critical habitat, migratory birds of conservation concern, wetlands, refuges, and GAP land cover. USFWS recommended conservation measures are available in some locations and will soon be available across the U.S. Note: This is a useful tool, but the official species list should be obtained from the Charleston FWS office.
NCSMNS Workbook and Key to the Freshwater Bivalves of SC
Guide by Bogan, A. E. and Alderman, J. M. on SC freshwater bivalves
NOAA How to Submit an ESA Section 7 Consultation Request to NMFS Southeast Regional Office
ESA Section 7 consultation instructions for projects in the southeast.
SCDOT Presentation: Threatened and Endangered Species- Jul 2013
SCDOT presentation on threatened and endangered species.
SCDNR Field Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of SC
Guide to assist scientists and naturalists with identification of freshwater mussels. Prepared by Williams, J.D. et al.
SCDNR Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Inventory (State Species of Concern)
List of State species of concern reported to the Heritage Trust Program. Consult with SCDOT ESO biologists for the applicability of state species to the federal environmental process.
USFS Proposed, Endangered, Threatened and Sensitive (PETS) Species List for Sumter National Forest- Jul 2014
List of sensitive species to include in Biological Surveys when new right of way is required on USFS lands.
USFWS Birds Protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Information about the MBTA, including a link to an alphabetical list of birds protected under the Act.
USFWS Indian Bat and Northern Long Eared Bat Range-Wide Consultation and Conservation Strategy under Section 7 of the ESA for the FHWA and FRRA
USFWS and FHWA standardized approach to assess impacts to Indian bats and NLEBs due to transportation projects and avoid, minimize and mitigate those impacts. Includes links to consultation implementation documents and information, including User's Guide, Biological Assessment, USFWS Concurrence Letter, Summer Survey Guidelines and USFWS Field Office Contacts.
FHWA National BA Template
The National BA Template has been developed to help BA preparers produce high quality, consistent BA documents.

Laws & Regulations

Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 USC §1531 et seq.)
Law passed by Congress to conserve ecosystems and species of fish, wildlife and plans facing extinction.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (16 USC §703 et seq.)
Law passed by Congress that protects migratory birds and their nests and eggs.

Coastal Zone

SCDHEC Coastal Zone Regulations
Information on the SC Coastal Management Program. A link is provided on the webpage to regulations pertaining to Critical Area Permitting.
SCDHEC Critical Area and Wetlands Permitting Forms
Links to the SCDHEC Critical Area Permitting forms. These are not USACE permitting forms.
SCDHEC OCRM State CZC Application
State CZC Certification Request form.
SCDHEC Stormwater Management Checklist
CZC Checklist for stormwater that accompanies CZC Certification.
SCDHEC Transportation Facilities Checklist
CZC Checklist for transportation projects that accompanies CZC Certification.

Community Impacts

FHWA Community Impact Assessment: A Quick Reference for Transportation (Publication No FHWA-PD-96-036)
Publication by FHWA that offers guidance on community impact assessment for transportation projects.
U.S. Census Bureau Data - American Community Survey Summary File
U.S. Census Bureau block group data in 1-year, 3-year or 5-year data releases from the American Community Survey.
U.S. Census Bureau Data - Census Flows Mapper
U.S. Census Bureau's web mapping application to research county-to-county migration within the U.S. Data are from the 2006-2010, 2007-2011 and 2008-2012 American Community Surveys.

Cultural Resources

2017 Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
2017 Section 106 Programmatic Agreement .

Artifact Identification

Guide to Native American Pottery of South Carolina
Online resource of SC prehistoric ceramic types.
Projectile Points of South Carolina
South Carolina Arrowhead Identification Guide
Colonial Ceramics
Online resource by Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum State Museum of Archaeology of 17th and 18th century pottery.
DAACS Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery
Online resource of historic artifacts recovered during the Colonial and Ante-Bellum periods from African-American slave sites in the Chesapeake, Carolinas and Caribbean.


Drive US 25
A driving tour brochure highlighting eighteen key historic sites on or near US 25 in Edgefield County. An accompanying map directs motorists to the site locations.

Forms & Templates

SCIAA Archaeological Site Form
State form on which to record archaeological sites.
SCIAA Handbook to Archaeological Site Inventory Record
Instruction manual for completing the State archaeology site form.
SHPO Statewide Survey of Historic Properties Form- 2010
State form on which to record above-ground built environment buildings, structures and cemeteries. Consult with SCDOT ESO cultural resources personnel for unusual built environment resources, such as earthworks.

Guidance & Resources

FHWA Tribal Consultation Guidelines
Guidance for FHWA staff responsible for carrying out the requirements of tribal consultation under Section 106.
NCHRP 25-25 Practices to Address Construction Vibration and Potential Effects to Historic Buildings Adjacent to Transportation Projects
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Transportation Research Board, publication pertaining to construction vibration and its effects to historic buildings as an environmental issue for transportation projects.
NCHRP 25-29A Design and Management of Historic Roads
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Transportation Research Board, publication that explores how the inherent flexibility in the current policies, manuals, criteria, rules, standards and data sets that underlie the transportation planning and project development process may be used to preserve historic roads and roads in historic districts and settings.
NEPA and NHPA: A Handbook for Integrating NEPA and Section 106
Publication by CEQ and ACHP that provides guidance on incorporating Section 106 review into the NEPA process. Compares cultural resources requirements of both laws.
Programmatic Agreement Regarding Section 106 Implementation for Federal-Aid Transportation Projects in the State of SC
Agreement between SCDOT and FHWA, SC SHPO and ACHP for Section 106 review for federal transportation projects.
SC Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations (2005, updated 2013)- Aug 2013
State archaeology standards for fieldwork and laboratory processing.
SCIAA Curation, Loan and Access Policy
SCIAA curation standards for archaeological collections.
SHPO Preservation Hotline #3: Is There a Highway Project in Your Future?- Sep 2010
SC SHPO brochure about the NEPA and Section 106 review processes for transportation projects.
SHPO Preservation Hotline #12: Complying with Federal and State Regulations- Sep 2010
SC SHPO brochure about complying with the NEPA and Section 106 review processes.
TRB News Transportation in Tribal Lands: Challenges and Initiatives
Collection of articles by the Transportation Research Board discussing the complexities and challenges facing tribal transportation and the accomplishments of programs serving the unique transportation needs of the 566 Indian tribes throughout the U.S.
USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer
Online interactive map to view historical topographic maps.

Laws & Regulations

ACHP Regulations (36 CFR §800)
Regulations issued by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).
ACHP Section 106 Summary
Overview of the Section 106 review process, including initiation of the process, identification of historic properties, assessing and resolving adverse effects, and consultation.
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC §470 et seq.)
Law passed by Congress that establishes a national policy to preserve historic and archaeological sites significant to American architecture, archaeology and culture.


The Council of South Carolina Professional Archaeologists
Serves as an open forum for the presentation of archaeologically related information among members and associates Promotes the conservation and preservation of archaeological sites, records and properties
Archaeological Society of South Carolina
The Archaeological Society of South Carolina has been in operation since 1968. Our goal is to share information about South Carolina’s archaeological heritage.
South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
The South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA), founded by the State of South Carolina in 1963, operates as a research institute and a cultural resources management agency.


Historic and Architectural Survey of the Towns of Little Mountain, Pomaria, and Prosperity, Newberry County, South Carolina
Publication by TRC Garrow that discusses results of a historic architectural survey of Little Mountain, Pomaria and Prosperity.
Lower Richland County Historical and Architectural Inventory Survey Report
Publication by Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc., on behalf of the SC SHPO and Richland Co. Conservation Commission, that discusses the results of an architectural survey of upper Richland Co.
NCHRP Report 723: A Model for Identifying and Evaluating the Historic Significance of Post-World War II Housing
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Transportation Research Board, publication that provides guidance on the identification and evaluation of postwar housing resources that can be used within the framework of Section 106 and Section 4(f).
Rural Commerce in Context: South Carolina's Country Stores, 1850 - 1950 (New South Associates Technical Report 2159)- 2012
Publication by New South Associates, on behalf of SCDOT, that provides information on the significance of the country store in SC's history.
SHPO Why Are We Looking at That?
Publication by the SC Department of Archives and History State Historic Preservation Office discussing Mid-Century and Modern Architecture in SC, different resource types and National Register eligibility.

Environmental Justice

Executive Order 12898
Addresses environmental justice (EJ) in minority and low-income populations for federal projects.
FHWA Memorandum: Guidance on Environmental Justice and NEPA
FHWA memorandum that provides EJ guidance during the NEPA process.
FHWA Environmental Justice Reference Guide (FHWA-HEP-15-035)
The newest FHWA guidance on identifying and addressing disproportionately high and adverse effects of transportation projects on minority populations and low-income populations to achieve an equitable distribution of benefits and burdens. This guide does not establish any new requirements or replace any existing guidance. It supports FHWA's National Performance Objective to protect and enhance the natural and human environment, foster livable communities, and increase the implementation of sustainable highway practices.
Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice Community-Based Federal Environmental Justice Resource Guide
A guide by the Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) to assist communities with accessing information about federal agencies and their programs to improve community participation in federal programs. The DOT is one of 17 participating federal agencies.

ESO Information

ESO Hungry Hippo Food Escape
ESO food map of favorite eateries.
SC Barbeque Trail Map
From discoversouthcarolina.com, this article is the source for barbeque in every region of the state.
SCDOT Combined NEPA and Permitting General Scope of Services (for Consultants)- 2015
SCDOT Environmental Services Office (ESO) scope of services for NEPA and permitting done by consultants.
SCDOT Engineering District Map- 2014
Map of SCDOT engineering districts.
SCDOT Environmental Reference Manual- Feb 2008
SCDOT ESO guidance on categories of NEPA actions and the environmental review process.
SCDOT Environmental Services Contact Info- 2017
Map of SCDOT RPGs, engineering districts and ESO personnel contact information.
SCDOT List of Acronyms- 2013
List of common SCDOT and environmental acronyms.

Essential Fish Habitat

Descriptions of Habitat Quality- 2013
Describes fully functional, partially impaired, impaired and very impaired Essential Fish Habitat (EFH).
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Public Law 94-265)
Establishes national standards for fishery conservation and management.
SCDOT Essential Fish Habitat Assessment Process- Nov 2014
New agreement between SCDOT and NOAA NMFS that outlines the official EFH assessment process to be followed in SC's eight coastal counties for all SCDOT projects. Approved by NOAA NMFS on November 10, 2014.
SCDOT Essential Fish Habitat BMPs- Nov 2014
SCDOT Best Management Practices for EFH.
SCDOT Essential Fish Habitat Survey Form- Sept 2014
SCDOT EFH screening form.

Farmland Protection

Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 (7 USC §4201 et seq.)
Minimizes unnecessary and irreversible conversion of farmland to nonagricultural use.
NRCS Farmland Conversion Impact Rating for Corridor Type Projects Form NRCS-CPA-106- Jan 1991
NRCS form used to assess farmland impacts for corridor type projects.
NRCS Part 523 - Farmland Protection Policy Act Manual
Guidance from NRCS about how to evaluate agricultural land.
NRCS Web Soil Survey
Online interactive mapping tool with soil data to assess various land classifications and generate soil reports.
USDA NRCS Regulations (7 CFR §658)
Regulations issued by the NRCS.

Floodplains & Floodways

Executive Order 11988
Establishes a federal flood risk management standard and a process for further soliciting and considering stakeholder input. Directs agencies to use a higher flood elevation (0.2% aka 500-year floodplain) and expanded the flood hazard area over the base flood previously described in the Executive Order.
FEMA Flood Map Service Center
Online source for flood hazard information. Instant FEMA flood maps can be obtained online using this website.
FHWA Memo Hydrology in NEPA Documents- Aug 2011
FHWA Memorandum to SCDOT ESO outlining hydrology protocol and procedures for the NEPA process.
NEPA Bridge Replacement Scoping Risk Assessment Form- May 2013
SCDOT bridge replacement risk assessment form to be completed during project scoping.
SC Watershed Map- 2014
General map of SC major watersheds.
SCDOT Floodplains Checklist- 2011
SCDOT location and hydraulic design of encroachments on floodplains checklist form to be completed by hydrologist.

GIS Resources

Online ESRI ArcGIS website.
Greenville County GIS
Online GIS for Greenville Co.
How to Convert KML File into an ArcGIS Layer
Instructions on how to covert a KML file into a GIS layer.
How to Convert Latitude Longitude Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to or from Decimal Degrees
Explains how to convert between units of degrees/ minutes and seconds (DMS) and degree values stored in decimal format using Microsoft Excel.
Lexington County GIS
Online GIS for Lexington Co.
Richland County GIS
Online GIS for Richland Co.
Online GIS data for SC.
SCDNR Online Data
Downloadable GIS data for SC.
SCDOT Road Data
Online GIS from SCDOT, including coastal evacuation routes, maps, street finder, traffic, bridge and road data.
USGS National Map Viewer
View and download the most current topo base map data and associated products for free. Many available resources, including topo maps, land cover, hydrogeography and natural hazards.

Hazardous Materials & USTs

CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 USC §9601 et seq.)
AKA Superfund, law passed by Congress that created a trust fund for cleaning up abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Gives federal authority to respond directly to releases of hazardous substances.
SCDHEC Underground Storage Tanks
SCDHEC's website on USTs in SC.
SCDHEC Underground Storage Tank Assessment Guidelines
Technical guidance developed by the UST Management Division of SCDHEC that includes basic site assessment information, recommended sampling locations, UST closure activities, soil and ground water laboratory analysis and reporting format and requirements.

Indirect & Cumulative Impacts

Publication by FHWA Office of Chief Counsel about legal sufficiency when assessing indirect and cumulative impacts for federal transportation projects.
FHWA Questions and Answers Regarding the Consideration of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts in the NEPA Process
FHWA Q&A about consideration of indirect and cumulative impacts during the NEPA process.
NCHRP and AASHTO Forecasting Indirect Land Use Effects of Transportation Projects
Publication by Avin, et al., on behalf of AASHTO Standing Committee on the Environment, about adequately accounting for indirect effects for transportation projects.
NCHRP Report 466 Desk Reference for Estimating the Indirect Effects of Proposed Transportation Projects
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Transportation Research Board, Publication pertaining to indirect effects for transportation projects.
SHRP2 Report S@-C03-RR-1 Interactions Between Transportation Capacity, Economic Systems, and Land Use
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) provides information on the development of a large database of case studies and the web-based T-PICS.

Jurisdictional Determination

Forms & Templates

JD Smart Form
Survey123 based smart form that works in conjunction with the JD Mapping webapp to produce the JD submittal package and format all supporting documentation.
JD Mapping Webapp
ArcGIS based mapping application creates professional maps within seconds. These 7 maps are consistent with the supporting documentation needed for JDs.
SCDOT Jurisdictional Determination Checklist- 2013
SCDOT ESO Jurisdictional Determination (JD) checklist.
USACE JD request form and instructions (revised Feb 2016).
USACE JD request form and instructions.
USACE Wetland Determination Data Form - Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0)
USACE wetland determination data form for projects located in the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain.
USACE Wetland Determination Data Form - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (Version 2.0)
USACE wetland determination data form for projects located in the eastern mountains and piedmont.

Guidance & Resources

Jurisdictional Determination and Delineation Guide- 2017
USACE JD and Delineation Guide.
SCDOT Jurisdictional Determination Process Flowchart- 2013
Flowchart showing the JD process at SCDOT.
SCDOT Presentation: Jurisdictional Determination - Procedures for Submitting for an SCDOT Project- Sep 2013
SCDOT ESO presentation outlining how to submit a JD for SCDOT projects. This presentation should be used for informational purposes only. Follow most recent guidelines issued by SCDOT ESO. Questions should be directed to SCDOT ESO permitting personnel.
SCDOT Presentation: Quality Assurance/Quality Control for Jurisdictional Determinations and Permit Review Process- Jul 2013
SCDOT ESO presentation highlighting QA/QC measures and responsibilities of ESO permitting managers and consultants for JDs. This presentation should be used for informational purposes only. Follow most recent guidelines issued by SCDOT ESO. Questions should be directed to SCDOT ESO permitting personnel.
USACE National Wetland Plant List (Version 3.3)
Online searchable database and web viewer of plant lists to obtain plant indicator status for obligate, facultative and upland plants.
USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual
The manual by the USACE for wetlands delineation.
USDA NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils Version 8.2
Errata to hydric soils publication.
USDA NRCS Plants Database
Online resource about vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
USFWS National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper
Online mapping tool that integrates wetland, riparian, USFWS refuges and historic wetland data.

LPA Process

ESO Guidance for LPA Projects- Nov 2016
An outline process for ESO coordination for LPA projects.


Forms & Templates

NEPA Class of Action Form - December 2022
NEPA ENV Commitments Form - May 2021
Use Adobe to view and fill the form. Not compatible with Bluebeam.
NEPA Comment Tracking Form
SCDOT NEPA Quality Assurance Form
Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Form- April 2022
NEPA categorical exclusion form used for SCDOT projects under the Programmatic Agreement with FHWA.
NON-PCE Example- Oct 2016
SCDOT example document for a Non-Programmatic CE under the Programmatic Agreement with FHWA.
NEPA Re-Evaluation Form- Oct 2015
NEPA re-evaluation form used for SCDOT projects.
SCDOT NEPA Environmental Commitments Form- Jan 2017
Required standard language and environmental commitments for all NEPA documents for SCDOT projects.

Guidance & Resources

Programmatic Agreement for Categorical Exclusions- April 2021
Agreement between SCDOT and FHWA for completing federal transportation projects.
2015 Red Book: Synchronizing Environmental Reviews for Transportation and Other Infrastructure Projects (Publication No. FHWA-HEP-15-047)
The newest publication by a joint agency working group that is a how-to guide for synchronizing NEPA with other regulatory reviews, such as Section 404 of the CWA, Title 33 Bridge Acts, compliance with the ESA, and other review processes, in light of recent EO 13604, Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects, and Presidential Memorandum, Modernizing Federal Infrastructure Review and Permitting Regulations, Policies, and Procedures. The Red Book discusses the requirements of many statutes and regulations to facilitate the reader's understanding of how compliance with those requirements can be fulfilled while implementing the synchronization concept, as well as lessons learned, best practices, innovative mitigation practices, and utilizing communication technology.
A Citizen's Guide to NEPA
Publication by CEQ for those not familiar with the NEPA or CEQ regulations. Describes the NEPA process and provides information on how citizens can become involved.
AASHTO Practitioner's Handbook 15: Preparing High-Quality NEPA Documents for Transportation Projects
Publication by AASHTO that describes good practices for improving the quality of environmental documents prepared for transportation projects under the NEPA.
AASHTO Practitioner's Handbook 15 Resource Materials
Online compendium of supplemental resources, including links to other DOT training, toolkits and environmental manuals.
Center for Environmental Excellence by AASHTO
Online resource developed in cooperation with FHWA that offers a wide range of environmental products and services to assist transportation agencies in achieving environmental excellence.
CEQ Forty Questions
CEQ Memorandum addressing the 40 most asked questions concerning CEQ's NEPA regulations.
NEPAssist is a GIS-based web tool that uses environmental data dynamically from EPA's GIS databases and web services to provide immediate screening of environmental indicators for a user-defined area of interest.
FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit
FHWA's most up to date online resource of information on transportation and environmental policy, guidance, best practices and training.
FHWA FAQs about NEPA Reevaluations- 2009
FAQs about NEPA Reevaluations article in The Environmental Quarterly, Vol. 6, Issue 2.
FHWA Guide to Transportation Decision-making (Publication No. FHWA-HEP-09-034)
FHWA's citizen's guide to the transportation decision making process. Introduces roles of federal and state agencies, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and local governments in transportation planning for federal-aid projects. Discusses how planning turns into project development and the role of the NEPA process.
FHWA Summary of Environmental Legislation Affecting Transportation
FHWA webpage that gives a brief overview of environmental legislation affecting transportation projects in a summary table. Includes references to legislative and regulations, purpose, applicability, general procedures and agency for coordination or consultation.
FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8(A)
FHWA guidance for preparing and processing environmental and section 4(f) documents.
SCDOT Presentation: Coordinating NEPA and Permits- 2013
SCDOT ESO presentation presented at the Clemson Engineering Conference about merging the NEPA and permitting processes. This presentation should be used for informational purposes only. Specific questions should be directed to SCDOT ESO.
SHRP 2 PlanWorks (formerly TCAPP)
Systematic web-based resource by TRB's Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) that supports collaborative decision making in transportation planning and project development to deliver projects that meet environmental, community and mobility needs.
SHRP 2 Use of TCAPP Decision Guide to Improve Environmental Agency Coordination for Hoopstick Creek Bridge Replacement
Publication by SCDOT ESO, part of TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2), that provides feedback on the use of the TCAPP to facilitate environmental review and agency coordination for the Hoopstick Creek bridge replacement project.

Laws & Regulations

CEQ Regulations ( 40 CFR §1500, et seq.)
Regulations issued by the CEQ.
FHWA DOT Regulations (23 CFR §771, et seq.)
Regulations issued by the FHWA.
FHWA Reasonable Availability of Funding
FHWA protocol for transportation planning requirements and their relationship to NEPA approvals.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC §4321 et seq.)
Declares a national policy to encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between humans and their environment.
SCDOT Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
SCDOT Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

Permits - SCDHEC (Nav GP)

Permits - SCDHEC (Nav GP)- May 2015
The SCDHEC Navigable Waters General Permit.
Affidavit of Ownership to SCDHEC- Feb 2014
SCDOT Affidavit of Ownership or Control form that goes to SCDHEC.
SCDHEC Application for Construction in Navigable Waters GP Authorization- Jul 2014
SCDOT application for construction in navigable waters general permit authorization form that goes to SCDHEC.
SCDHEC R. 19-450 Permits for Construction in Navigable Waters- Jun 1995
Publication by SCDHEC outlining the state law, permit conditions and duties and responsibilities of SCDHEC and applicants for permits for construction in navigable waters issued by SCDHEC.

Permits - USACE

Forms & Templates

E-Permit GP Smart Form
Section 404 E-Permit standardizes permit submittals in terms of what information to include, how the documents should be presented, where in the package each document should be placed, and how permit drawings should be presented. This step by step program streamlines the permitting process and creates consistent submittals among users.
SCDOT General Permit - Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form- 2016
A fillable template for the PCN form that must be completed for all SCDOT General Permit submittals.
USACE Joint Federal and State Application Form
USACE Joint Federal and State Application form.

Guidance & Resources

SCDOT 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analysis Flowchart- 2013
SCDOT 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analysis flowchart.
SCDOT General Permit (GP)- 2016
SCDOT General Permit effective July 20, 2016 to July 20, 2021. There are multiple GPs available for SCDOT use depending on project type. These permits allow for SCDOT to perform work in or affecting waters of the US. GP requirements, conditions and impact thresholds vary for each permit.
SCDOT Permit Process Flowchart- 2013
SCDOT Permit Process flowchart.
SCDOT Presentation: Assessment Form and Alternatives Analysis for Permits- Jul 2013
SCDOT ESO presentation about the Assessment form and alternatives analysis for SCDOT projects requiring a permit. This presentation should be used for informational purposes only. Follow most recent guidelines issued by SCDOT ESO. Questions should be directed to SCDOT ESO permitting personnel.
Environmental Services Office permit drawing standards- Sept 2017
These are the Environmental Services Office permit drawing standards.

Laws & Regulations

Executive Order 11900, Protection of Wetlands
In furtherance of NEPA, directs agencies to avoid to the extent possible long and short term adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands and to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands wherever there is a practicable alternative.
USACE Section 404 Permit Regulations (33 §CFR 320-332)
Section 404 regulations issued by the USACE.

Permits - USCG

USCG Bridge Permit Application Guide
Manual by the USCG to assist with Coast Guard permit applications to construct, reconstruct, or modify a new or existing bridge or causeway across navigable waters of the U.S.
USCG Jurisdiction Checklist- Apr 2011
USCG Jurisdiction Checklist form is completed during the NEPA process for projects involving bridge work over a waterway. This form assists the SCDOT in determining whether or not a USCG Section 9 permit is needed.
USCG Permit Exclusion Request Checklist- Apr 2015
USCG Permit Exclusion Request Checklist form is completed during the NEPA process to assist FHWA in determining a USCG permit is not required for bridge construction.
USCG Section 9 Permit Process Flow Chart- 2012
USCG Section 9 Permit Process flow chart.

Permit Determination

SCDOT Permit Determination Form- November 2018
SCDOT Permit Determination form is completed early in the environmental review process to determine whether or not permits will be needed for a proposed project, as well as identify any water quality issues.

Public Involvement

Supplemental Guidance to ESO Public Involvement Policy- September 2020
Request to Supplement SCDOT's Public Involvement Policy for NEPA Compliance approved by FHWA
Public Hearing Certification Example- Mar 2014
Example of typical SCDOT Public Hearing Certification.
SCDOT Public Involvement Policy for NEPA Compliance- Feb 2015
SCDOT Public Involvement Policy for NEPA Compliance outlines project applicability, roles and responsibilities for public meetings and public hearings.

Purpose & Need

FHWA Elements of Purpose and Need
FHWA memorandum offering guidance on preparing purpose and need statements in light of CEQ letter of substantial deference.
SCDOT Memorandum on Purpose & Need Statements for Federally Funded Projects- Aug 2005
SCDOT guidance on developing a purpose and need statement.


FHWA Final Guidance SAFETEA-LU Environmental Review Process (Public Law 109-59)
FHWA guidance on working with the provisions of SAFETEA-LU with the NEPA process.

Scenic Rivers

Find information about federally designated wild and scenic rivers, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Section 7 determinations, policies and publications. There are four primary agencies responsible for protecting and managing federally designated scenic rivers. These include the BLM, NPS, USFWS and USFS.
South Carolina State Scenic Rivers Program
Find information about the SC state scenic rivers program and state scenic river management, as well as information about all of the state's designated scenic rivers.

Section 4(f)

Determination of Section 4(f) De Minimis Use Form- Jan 2011
Determination of Section 4(f) De Minimis Use form is completed when a determination of de minimis use is to be made for a Section 4(f) property.
FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper
FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper supplements FHWA regulations governing the use of land from publicly owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges and public or private historic sites for federal highway projects.
FHWA Section 4(f) Tutorial
FHWA Section 4(f) Tutorial discusses the fundamental requirements of Section 4(f) of the DOT Act of 1966.
Section 4(f) Applicability Checklist- Mar 2011
Section 4(f) Applicability Checklist form is completed during the NEPA process to determine if there is a potential for Section 4(f) involvement and to document determinations of no 4(f) involvement.

Traffic Noise

FHWA Highway Traffic Noise
FHWA online resource for noise regulations and requirements for federal transportation projects. Includes guidance on noise measurements, noise barriers and TNM.
FHWA Noise Barrier Acceptance Criteria: Analysis
FHWA online resource for noise abatement feasibility and reasonableness factors in FHWA regulations.
SCDOT Reasonable and Feasibility Worksheet- Mar 2023
SCDOT Reasonable and Feasibility Worksheet form.
SCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy
- Mar 2023
SCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy outlines the Department's policy to implement the requirements of the FHWA noise regulations (23 CFR §772).

Water Quality

Section 401 of Clean Water Act (33 USC §1341)
Section 401 protects water quality.
SCDHEC R.61-69 Classified Waters
Publication by SCDHEC discussing the state law and water classifications and standards.
SCDHEC R.61-101 Water Quality Certification
Publication by SCDHEC discussing the state law and policies and procedures for implementing State water quality certification requirements of Section 401 of the CWA.
SCDHEC Water Quality Information
Online mapping tool to identify water quality information and classification, including 303(d) listed waters and TMDL status.
SCDOT Quality Design Manual
Manual by SCDOT to assist engineers, plan reviewers, inspectors and contractors with stormwater quality management requirements for the Department. Contains information on requirements of the NPDES permit application process and stormwater BMPs for construction and post-construction.

Wetlands & Streams Mitigation

Forms & Templates

SCDOT Escrow Agreement Template Compensatory Mitigation Credit Purchase Deposit- Oct 2012
SCDOT Escrow Agreement template used for compensatory mitigation credit purchase deposit.
USACE Stream Mitigation Credit Table Worksheet
USACE Stream Mitigation Credit Table Worksheet used to calculate required mitigation credits for stream impacts.
USACE Wetland Mitigation Credit Table Worksheet
USACE Wetland Mitigation Credit Table Worksheet used to calculate required mitigation credits for wetland impacts.

Guidance & Resources

Mitigation Forecasting Tool Viewer (MFT Viewer)
Aims to reduce the number of projects at risk due to the lack of wetland and stream mitigation bank credit coverage and the number of projects at risk due to low wetland and stream credit availability. Users can view the estimated stream and wetland impacts for SCDOT projects within each watershed as well as see the estimated impacts per year.
SCDOT Presentation: SCDOT's Impact Forecasting Tool & Advance Mitigation Planning- Aug 2014
SCDOT ESO presentation about GIS-based wetlands mitigation forecasting and mitigation planning.
SCDOT Presentation: A Geospatial Wetlands Mitigation Forecasting Model- May 2014
SCDOT ESO presentation about the GIS-based wetlands mitigation forecasting model (wetMit) that is capable of demonstrating credit demand statewide. This presentation should be used for informational purposes only. Questions should be directed to the SCDOT ESO mitigation manager.
SCDOT Presentation: Mitigation Procedures for General Permits using Mitigation Escrow Account- Jul 2013
SCDOT ESO presentation about mitigation procedures for General Permits using the mitigation escrow process. This presentation should be used for informational purposes only. Follow most recent mitigation guidelines issued by SCDOT ESO. Questions should be directed to SCDOT ESO permitting or mitigation personnel.
USACE Compensatory Mitigation
USACE website that provides information about compensatory mitigation and explains the RIBITS website.
USACE Guidelines for Preparing a Compensatory Mitigation Plan
Manual by the USACE to practitioners with preparing compensatory mitigation plans to offset impacts to aquatic resources authorized by the USACE.
USACE Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects
USACE regulatory guidance letter pertaining to minimum monitoring requirements for compensatory mitigation projects involving the restoration, establishment and enhancement of aquatic resources.

Laws & Regulations

USACE and USEPA Final Compensatory Mitigation Rule (33 CFR §325 and 332, 40 CFR §230)
Regulations issued by the USACE and USEPA.