Here you can find GIS data; interactive and digital maps for viewing and download; you can browse and order hard copies of our maps. Our KML web services are available for download; the Street Finder application identifies SCDOT maintained roads.
For GIS or Mapping products not present on this site please contact GIS/Mapping at 803-737-1677 or send us an email.

PDF maps are available for download.
Hard copies of other map types (county, city, etc.) may be purchased for $1.00 a sheet plus shipping & handling. The large color state wall map is $4.50 plus $10.00 shipping and handling. If you would like to order hard copies, please give us a call at 803-737-4533. We accept MasterCard or Visa.
View/download maps in electronic pdf format.
Single foldable maps of SC are available free of charge.

Street Finder
SCDOT has partnered with local governments to produce a database of road names statewide. We currently estimate our database to have road names for over 90% of state maintained roads and 58% of local roads.