Grants Information

Two people at a desk crunching numbers

The IIJA authorized approximately $1.2 trillion for the nation’s infrastructure, to include $550 billion in new funding. IIJA expires on September 30, 2026 (FFY26). The SCDOT pursues IIJA grants that align with the agency’s priorities.

Please visit the USDOT Navigator website to learn more about IIJA grants.


SCDOT-Sponsored Discretionary Grants

IIJA established numerous discretionary grant programs totaling approximately $100B for state and local governments. SCDOT intends to pursue grants that advance its priorities in the 10-Year Plan, including pavements, bridges, safety, and interstate capacity; we will not focus on grant opportunities that do not align with our priorities.

The Chief of Staff’s Office oversees SCDOT’s grant program, from seeking opportunities to application development and submittal. SCDOT is prepared to manage all awarded grants for which it applies.

SCDOT-Pursued Grants and Status

Grant ProgramProjectStatus
RAISE 2022     
  I-26 Noise Wall in CharlestonNot Awarded
MPDG 2022
I-20 Bridges over the WatereeNot Awarded
Reconnecting Communities 2022
Pedestrian Bridge in Rock HillNot Awarded
Reconnecting Communities 2022
I-526 Corridor/N. Charleston Environmental Justice ActivitiesNot Awarded
BIP Large 2022
I-95 Bridges over Lake MarionNot Awarded
BIP Small 2022
Union County Bridge Bundling PackageAwarded
BIP Planning 2022
I-95 Bridges over Great Pee Dee RiverAwarded
RAISE 2023
Manning Ave. Bridge ReplacementNot Awarded
Bus/Bus Facilities 2023
Replace Mass Transit VehiclesAwarded
MPDG 2023
I-95 over Lake MarionNot Awarded
Reconnecting Communities 2023
Pedestrian Bridge in Rock HillAwarded
Reconnecting Communities 2023I-26 Noise Wall in CharlestonNot Awarded
BIP Large 2023
I-95 Bridges over Lake MarionAwarded
BIP Planning 2024I-85 Bridges over Lake HartwellAwarded
Bus/Bus Facilities 2024Replace Mass Transit Vehicles and FacilitiesNot Awarded
MPDG 2024
I-95 Bridges over Lake MarionWithdrawn
MPDG 2024
I-526 at Long Point Road in CharlestionAwarded
LCTM 2024 (IRA Grant)Various Low Carbon Materials InitiativesAwarded
ATIIP Planning 2024East Coast GreenwayUnknown
ADCMS 2024Various Construction SoftwareNot Awarded
Reconnecting Communities 2024-2026East Coast Greenway PlanningUnknown
BIP Small 2025North Central SC Bridge Bundling Package

Local Governments and Other Political Subdivisions Seeking Grants

What should local entities be prepared to do if seeking grants?       

  • Independently seek grant opportunities and prepare all grant applications in their entirety.
  • Enter into grant agreements with the relevant federal funding agency.
  • Manage all aspects of the project, including PE, ROW, and construction.
    • SCDOT may assume management if it’s in the state’s best interest.
    • SCDOT has established a qualified list of 10 On-Call consultants (see chart below) to provide local governments assistance with project management support for awarded grants. Usage of the list is not mandatory. Please contact SCDOT’s Procurement Office for more information.
  • Assume all financial risk, including any overruns.
  • Enter into a maintenance agreement with any improvements above SCDOT’s maintenance standard.
  • Please note: SCDOT's Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) cannot be used for local projects.
    • SCDOT's PCE can only be used on projects that involve SCDOT.
    • Locals can work directly with FHWA to request a PCE.


What should local entities be prepared to do if seeking grants on the State Highway System?

If a local entity pursues a grant for a project on the State Highway System, it should provide notice to the Chief of Staff’s Office ( at least 30 days before the grant application is due. Please complete the Grants/Earmarks Application form below for notification. If you’re seeking a letter of support, please also complete and submit the form.

Qualified On-Call Consultants

SelectionService/Contract Dollar ValueExecutedExpirationFirms - Selected
S-244-23Local Government Project Management Services $8,000,0002/3/20232/3/2026Mead & Hunt, Inc
    Michael Baker International, Inc.
    Davis & Floyd, Inc.
    AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
    Stantec Consultant Services, Inc.
    Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
    Parrish and Partners, LLC
    HNTB Corporation
    TranSystems Corporation