SCDOT's Office of Public Engagement supports the agency's mission through external and internal communications, events, media relations, social media, graphic design and production, photography and videography, community outreach, communications planning, and more.
Media Inquiries
Media outlets should direct all inquiries to SCDOT's Office of Public Engagement via email to or (803) 737-1270.
The Office of Public Engagement will respond to media inquiries during regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 to 5 p.m.).
For breaking news inquiries outside of business hours, email
Press Releases
Visit SCDOT's Press Releases page to see our latest news and to sign up to receive our press releases via email.
Public Meetings and Comments
For information about public meetings and opportunities to provide public comments about projects, please visit SCDOT's Public Comments page.
For public involvement information and resources, please visit SCDOT's Public Involvement page.
The Connector
The Connector e-Edition is a regular email newsletter with updates about SCDOT projects, stories about employees around the state, upcoming special events, and more. To subscribe or read current and previous editions, visit The Connector page.
Branding & Style Guide
Our resource hub for all SCDOT branding guidelines and resources. It includes detailed information on logo usage and other branding elements.
Social Media
Connect with SCDOT on your favorite social media platforms for news and transportation information.
FOIA Requests
Please visit our Freedom of Information Act page to learn how to request public records from SCDOT.