Bridge replacement project planned in Oconee County
Columbia, S.C. (February 13, 2024) - The South Carolina Department of Transportation requests input from the traveling public on the following proposed transportation projects. SCDOT encourages members of the public to review project websites and provide questions, comments, or information about local historic or cultural resources.
All comments received during a project comment period will be reviewed and included in the project record. Individuals who provide comments will receive responses upon request.
Individuals in need of special accommodations may call 803-737-1271 or send an email to to request assistance. Individuals without access to the internet who would like to receive project information, or submit a comment, should contact the respective SCDOT Project Manager listed below.
Individuals who need to speak with an interpreter should contact SCDOT at 803-724-5862 or 888-468-8081. Para hablar con un intérprete, comuníquese con SCDOT al 803-724-5862 o al número gratuito 888-468-8081.
Bridge Replacement at S-106 (Clearmont Road) over Colonels Fork Creek
Comment period: February 15 to March 15, 2024
Online: in a new tab
Mail: Trey Brown, Project Manager, 955 Park Street, P.O. Box 191, Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-737-0588