Public Information Meeting Thursday, June 16, 2022, in Spartanburg County

SC 9 (Boiling Springs Road) and Shoally Creek Road/4th Street
Spartanburg County

Public Meeting:

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has scheduled a Public Information Meeting for the proposed intersection improvements of SC 9 (Boiling Springs Road) and Shoally Creek Road/4 th Street. The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at the Upstate Family Resource Center cafeteria located at 1850 Old Furnace Road, Boiling Springs, SC 29316. This meeting will have an "open house" format with displays for viewing. Interested persons may attend this informal meeting at any time between 5:00 pm and 7:00 p.m., during which SCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions regarding the proposed project.

Project information can be found online at, or by visiting, then Public Involvement Portal > Current Projects > Select Upstate Region. Comments will be accepted from June 1, 2022 through July 15, 2022.

Project Overview:

The SC 9 (Boiling Springs Road) project is approximately 0.50 miles from I-85 to Rogers Commerce Boulevard and approximately 0.30 miles along Shoally Creek Road/4th Street. SCDOT proposes to make intersection improvements along SC 9 (Boiling Springs Road) from I-85 to Shoally Creek Road/4th Street in Boiling Springs.

Meeting Purpose:

The purpose of this meeting is to reintroduce the project, provide information, and solicit feedback concerning the proposed intersection improvements. Another purpose of this meeting will be to gather information from the public or any interested organization on historic or cultural resources in the area. SCDOT is seeking input as a part of this public information meeting to assist in identifying information relative to this project.


Comments will be accepted through July 15, 2022. All formal comments received during the comment period will be considered and responded to, if requested, and will be included in the project record.

Comments can be submitted in the following ways:

•Online at the project website:

•Mail comments to Kit Scott, SCDOT Program Manager, SC Department of Transportation, Post Office Box 191, Columbia, SC  29202-0191

•Email your comments to

•Fill out a comment card and drop it in the comment box during the in-person meeting.


Persons with disabilities who may require special accommodations should contact Ms. Betty Gray at 803-737-1395 or via email at To speak with an interpreter, please contact SCDOT at 803-724-5862 or toll free at 888-468-8081. Para hablar con un intérprete, comuníquese con SCDOT al 803-724 o gratis al 888-468-8081.

If you do not have access to the internet and would like to receive project information or make a written comment, contact Kit Scott, at 803-737-1138 or with your requests.