PROPOSED BRIDGE REPLACEMENT S-154 (McKelvey Road) Bridge over Huff Creek - Greenville County

Public Meeting:

Thursday, August 26, 2021, between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at Ralph Chandler Middle School, 4231 Fork Shoals Road, Simpsonville, SC 29680. The meeting will be conducted in an "open house" format with displays for viewing. Interested persons may attend this informal meeting at any time between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m., during which South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) representatives will be available to answer questions regarding the proposed project.

All project information, including meeting displays, handouts, and comment forms, will also be available online at beginning August 11, 2021. Comments will be accepted from August 11, 2021 through September 10, 2021.

Project Overview:

The purpose of the proposed project is to replace the S-154 (McKelvey Road) bridge over Huff Creek to address the structural deficiencies of the existing bridge. SCDOT intends for the bridge to be closed to traffic during construction. Once construction begins, the bridge will be closed for approximately 18 months. The proposed detour is approximately 8.6 miles long and utilizes S-146 (Fork Shoals Road), SC 418, S-50 (Reedy Fork Road), and S-154 (McKelvey Road).

Meeting Purpose:

The purpose of the meeting is to provide the public with information and solicit feedback concerning the proposed bridge replacement project. In addition, the proposed detour route once construction begins will be discussed. Another purpose of the meeting will be to gather information from the public or any interested organization on historic or cultural resources in the area. Property owners and business owners on or near the project area are urged to attend.


Comments will be accepted through September 10, 2021. All formal comments received during the comment period will be considered and responded to if requested and will be included in the project record.

Comments can be submitted in the following ways:

•Submit comments online at the project website:

•Mail comments to Ryan Ward, P.E., SCDOT Assistant Program Manager at 955 Park Street, P.O. Box 191, Columbia, SC 29201-3959

•Email your comments to

•Fill out a comment card and drop it in the comment box during the in-person meeting.


Persons with disabilities who may require special accommodations should contact Ms. Betty Gray at 803-737-1395. If you do not have access to the Internet and would like to receive project information or make a written comment, contact Ryan Ward, P.E., at 803-737-1996 or with your requests.

To speak with an interpreter, please contact SCDOT at 855-467-2368. Para hablar con un intérprete, comuníquese con SCDOT al 855-467-2368.