Coordination between SCDOT and the SC Department of Education will establish a new channel of communication between transportation partners through which both agencies may benefit from coordination regarding planning decisions, previously underutilized solutions for congestion relief, and a more streamlined process to address operational deficiencies in and around school zones.
Readily having access to information that will benefit the daily operations of both agencies is the first step in establishing a productive partnership. It is the SCDOT’s goal to foster better communication by providing a database of relevant SCDOT contact information to allow for more direct coordination. Additionally, SCDOT has compiled contact information for outside entities that may benefit groups within the SC Department of Education by providing a pathway to other partnership opportunities. SCDOT hopes to further the success of this joint effort by offering a feedback portal to allow for additional ideas, suggestions, or relevant comments.
Coordination between agencies not only has the potential to benefit the SCDOT’s and the SC Department of Education’s internal operations, but it can also potentially benefit all roadway users as both agencies also work toward improving roadway operations.