How do I sell products to SCDOT?
SC requires vendors to register with the SC Enterprise Information System (SCEIS) to do business with state agencies.

Procurement Meeting Notices
Follow the link below to view postings regarding SCDOT Procurement Division Public Meetings.
Engineering Opportunities
Follow the link below to view postings related to current SCDOT procurement activities, including advertised engineering projects, RFPs, requests for qualification-based services, and associated materials.
Fuel Surcharge Adjustments
Download the Excel workbook for approved fuel surcharges on agency mowing, vegetation grinding, and mechanical brush management contracts.
Bids & Request for Proposals
SCDOT requires formal sealed bidding above $50,000. In those cases, bid packages are prepared and distributed thru SCEIS to prospective bidders of the commodities or services required.
Each bid package contains complete instructions for submission of the bid. Bidders are asked to complete each bid in its entirety. All Department of Transportation Solicitations can be found at the following web site SCEIS. To view Transportation (SCDOT) solicitations click on the drop down arrow in the box below "Purchasing Agency", scroll down until you find "Transportation" and click on it. Select "Open", and click on the "Search" box. The screen will populate all of the active solicitations for the Department of Transportation.
Standard Terms and Conditions, Special Provisions, and Terms and Conditions are incorporated in each solicitation. It is up to the vendor to be familiar with the entire solicitation.
In certain cases, Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are issued - generally in the area of consulting services. Procedure and evaluation criteria will be included in each RFP issued. Bids and RFPs are publicly opened at the closing time and date specified on the solicitation cover page. SCDOT Procurement Office opens solicitations in Conference Room 101 unless otherwise noted in the solicitation. Solicitations must be received on or before the scheduled closing date and time. It is up to the vendor to assure the solicitation is received prior to the closing date and time. Any solicitations that are received late will not be accepted and will be returned to the vendor unopened.
After bids are opened, the Procurement Division makes the tabulation and analysis. After consultation with and concurrence from the department involved, an award is made via a Statement of Award or Intent to Award and issuance of a valid Purchase Order.
Facilities Construction awards estimated over $100,000 require issuance through the State Fiscal Accountability Authority, State Engineers Office.
Bidders may be required to furnish Certificates of Insurance, Performance/Payment Bonds, and Workers Compensation. These requirements will be specified in the bid documents.
Pre-bid Site Visit and Conferences are held on projects when deemed necessary by SCDOT staff. Invitations to bid will specify the date, time and location of such meetings. In some cases these Site Visits and Pre-bid Conferences will be mandatory and only those in attendance will be considered eligible for an award.
Appointments with Buyers
Vendors are encouraged to call, or email in advance to make appointments with Procurement Staff. Although every effort will be made to accommodate vendors who arrive unannounced, it is preferred that appointments be made in advance. Prior appointments will help assure full consideration be given to presentations or discussions.
Payments to Vendors
Upon receipt of a correctly initiated purchase order and a correct invoice, the department receiving the product shall authorize payment. The project manager authorizes progress payments for construction projects. The average payment period by SCDOT is 30 days after receipt of a correct invoice. Vendors will be contacted if a disputed invoice is received and the invoices will be returned for correction.
SCDOT is not tax exempt and must pay State sales tax or a use tax.
It is the policy of SCDOT that employees, officers or agents are prohibited from being financially interested directly or indirectly in the purchase from or the sale to SCDOT of any land, materials or supplies. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, kick-back or any items of monetary value from any person who has, or is seeking to do business with, SCDOT, is prohibited. Any vendor knowing of this type of activity is encouraged to report it in confidence to the Director of Procurement or the Deputy Secretary of Finance and Administration so the matter can be dealt with.
If a vendor wishes to show appreciation to SCDOT it is suggested this be done in the form of a reduction on invoices or other cost saving measures that can be passed on to the Agency.
Solicitation Advertisement
The South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code requires all State Agencies to advertise solicitations over $10,000 in the "South Carolina Business Opportunities" publication. This publication is issued daily and lists proposed procurements of goods, services, construction, and information technology. It also contains other information of interest to the States business community. To obtain information regarding this publication visit the South Carolina Business Opportunities - General Information.
Agency Operational Authority - Per Commitment
- Supplies
- Services
- Information Technology
- Consultant Services
- Construction Services
- $1,000,000.00
- $500,000.00
- $100,000.00
- $100,000.00
- $500,000.00