Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
The Federal Highway Administration's mission is to Improve Mobility on the Nation's Highways with a focus on improving highway system performance, particularly its safety, reliability, effectiveness, and sustainability. Through successful partnership, value added stewardship and risk based oversight, FHWA is committed to developing and delivering existing and future Federal Highway Programs.

Stewardship and Oversight
The Stewardship & Oversight Plan documents the roles and responsibilities of both the SC FHWA Division and SCDOT staff in the accomplishment and administration of Federal Aid transportation programs and projects.
Stewardship & Oversight Plan (2024)
Projects of Division Interest
Projects of Division Interest (PoDI) are selected through risk assessment with consideration given to regional significance, political interest, contracting techniques, environmental issues, etc. For these projects, individual Stewardship & Oversight Plans are developed that define project actions retained by FHWA.
PoDI Project List
Other Programmatic Agreements
Programmatic Agreement for Categorical Exclusions (2016)Programmatic Agreement for Right-of-Way Certifications (2015)
Memorandum of Agreement for Federal Aid Preventative Maintenance Projects (2015)
Memorandum of Understanding Toll Credit Program (2013)