Become a Subcontractor on SCDOT Projects
SCDOT’s contract is typically with the prime contractor not the subcontractor.
Working as a subcontractor requires less interaction with SCDOT, however, there are still opportunities for interaction. SCDOT’s goal is to provide quick access to the following forms and resources:
Step 1 – Find SCDOT Projects that need your services
SCDOT doesn’t deal directly with subcontractors on projects, but there are a number of resources that you can use to find upcoming projects that need your services.

Step 2 – Get Connected with a Prime Contractor
SCDOT deals with Prime Contractors who are responsible for hiring subcontractors for projects. You can connect with these firms in a number of ways:
The Construction Extranet is a bulletin board/forum where Contractors and Subcontractors can obtain plans or proposals. The Contractor discussion board allows requests or quotes on projects in the upcoming letting. The Construction Extranet is located under Construction Lettings on the Doing Business with SCDOT page. You will first have to request and obtain a User ID and password to enter. Just follow the easy directions, and click the button to e-mail your request. This is a free site offered by the SCDOT which provides the following information:
- Download and view construction plans and proposals for upcoming lettings
- Contractor Discussion Board means of communicating to receive or send quotes to other vendors for upcoming construction projects Construction Extranet –
- To view a contract’s Bid tabulation, simply select the letting date
- Announcements which includes Apparent Bids and Specification Changes
- List of Potential Bidders
Step 3 – Find SCDOT Projects that need your services
Apparent low Bids Received for a letting
Contractor’s Bid Tabulations for past lettings
Our Contract Administration Office can answer questions about these resources via email or telephone. or (803)737-4089.