Updated 08/02/21
Access and Roadside Management Standards
This manual has been revised and the revisions are effective as of July 1, 2008. The revisions update many design criteria to current standards and place more emphasis on the need for a proper traffic impact study to determine the appropriate access design.
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Updated 01/31/2025
Approved Products List for Traffic Control Devices in Work Zones
The purpose of these guidelines is to present typical examples of work zone traffic control for multilane roadways, expressways and freeways, and mobile operations. This information is intended to illustrate the principles of proper work zone traffic control, but is not standard.
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Updated 12/10/2020
Traffic Signal Design Guidelines
SCDOT's Traffic Signal Design Guidelines has been revised and the revisions are effective as of January 1, 2021. The purpose of this document is to establish guidance, procedures and specifications that promote uniformity in the design of traffic signals. It is intended to clarify expectations and expedite the production and review of signal plans. These design guidelines include signal plan drafting guidance and specialized signal designs to ensure that plans properly convey the extent and character of the work to be performed, as well as the operation of the signal upon completion of the project.
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