We provide traffic and road condition information to motorists, services during emergencies, and a variety of mapping and traffic data products.

Traffic and Road Conditions
Check Traffic with our 511 system and also check our Road Conditions application.
Traffic and Road Conditions
Emergency Response
We assist motorists and respond to emergency situations every day.
Emergency Response
Mapping & GIS
We offer a variety of digital mapping products and we also provide Official Highway Maps!
Mapping and GIS
Traffic Counts
We offer three different traffic data products. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
Traffic Counts
Public Transit
Connect with transit partners that provide general public transit services throughout South Carolina.
Public Transit
Motorist Information
View vehicle registration information and other information for motorists.
Motorist Information
SC Statewide Rail Plan
The SC Statewide Rail Plan represents a long-term vision of statewide policy to improve freight and passenger rail.
Rail Plan